Omosessualità e verità del Vangelo: verso una efficace cura pastorale
ROBERT A. GAHL, Jr. - Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
1. Amore umano e sessualità.
«Non è bene che l'uomo sia solo» (Gn 2, 18). Con queste parole il libro della Genesi introduce la creazione di Eva, la prima donna. Il racconto ispirato della creazione spiega l'origine della differenza fra uomo e donna indicando che gli esseri umani, creati ad immagine e somiglianza di Dio (cfr Gn 1, 26), sono chiamati ad una comunione d'amore. Secondo il racconto della Genesi, la complementarità fra uomo e donna, un riflesso dell'«interiore unità del Creatore», è orientata a questa comunione (1).
Sin dalla creazione dei nostri progenitori, le relazioni sessuali hanno sempre avuto il significato di essere una fondamentale espressione dell'amore umano al servizio della fecondità nella famiglia e dell'unità fra marito e moglie. La Chiesa pertanto «celebra nel sacramento del matrimonio il disegno divino dell'unione amorosa e donatrice di vita dell'uomo e della donna» (2). Di conseguenza, in concordanza con la legge naturale, la Chiesa insegna che ogni uso della facoltà sessuale al di fuori della relazione coniugale è immorale e quindi può solo condurre alla frustrazione ed alla separazione piena di rimorso dal Creatore Divino.
2. Omosessualità: definizione e valutazione
Quando Adamo ed Eva abusarono della loro libertà disobbedendo a Dio, essi commisero il peccato originale che ferì la natura umana. Gli effetti del peccato originale sono sperimentati da ciascuno di noi. Il peccato oscura la somiglianza dell'uomo con Dio, offusca la nostra percezione del significato sponsale del corpo umano, e rende difficile il permanente e non egoistico amore fra marito e moglie (3). A motivo del peccato originale, la natura umana è ferita nelle sue proprie forze naturali ed è inclinata al peccato (4).
L'omosessualità è una delle molte manifestazioni del disordine nelle inclinazioni umane introdotto dal peccato originale. L'omosessualità è la condizione di coloro «che provano un'attrattiva sessuale, esclusiva o predominante, verso persone del medesimo sesso» (5). Come ogni altro disordine introdotto dalle conseguenze di tale peccato nella natura umana, l'esperienza delle inclinazioni omosessuali è una provocazione al combattimento spirituale (6). La Chiesa distingue fra tendenze e attuazione di queste tendenze. La Chiesa pertanto distingue anche fra persone che sperimentano tentazioni omosessuali e atti omosessuali. Uomini e donne che sperimentano inclinazioni sessuali orientate predominantemente verso membri dello stesso sesso sono considerate persone omosessuali. Gli atti sessuali volontari, od ogni forma di contatto sensuale per una gratificazione sessuale, fra persone dello stesso sesso è considerata attività omosessuale. Mentre il peccato originale è la causa remota dall'omosessualità, la causa prossima sembra essere una combinazione di vari fenomeni non totalmente spiegati dalla scienza.
Dal momento che contraddicono il piano del Creatore, gli atti omosessuali sono intrinsecamente disordinati. Chiunque acconsenta liberamente ad una pratica omosessuale è personalmente colpevole di peccato grave (7). L'attività omosessuale annulla il ricco simbolismo, significato e fine presente nel disegno del Creatore. Nella sua intrinseca sterilità esso contraddice la vocazione ad una vita di auto-donazione nell'amore espressa dall'unione complementare coniugale fra uomo e donna (8). L'attività omosessuale manca della finalità essenziale indispensabile per la bontà morale degli atti sessuali. La Sacra Scrittura condanna l'attività omosessuale come una seria depravazione e addirittura «come la triste conseguenza del rifiuto di Dio» (9) (cfr. Rm 1, 24-27). La Chiesa aiuta le persone omosessuali a lottare coraggiosamente contro inclinazioni disordinate e a conformarsi allo splendore della verità che si trova in Gesù Cristo (cfr. Gv 14, 6). «Quando respinge le dottrine erronee riguardanti l'omosessualità, la Chiesa... difende la libertà e la dignità della persona» (10). L'armonia sociale dipende, in parte, dalla realizzazione corretta del mutuo sostegno e complementarità fra i due sessi, motivo per cui la Chiesa non può appoggiare una legislazione civile che protegga «un comportamento al quale nessuno può rivendicare un qualsiasi diritto» (11). Mentre si oppone ai rapporti omosessuali, la Chiesa anche difende le persone omosessuali da quelle forme di discriminazione che sono ingiuste (12) e cerca di aiutarle a trovare gioia e pace nel vivere la virtù della castità. Coloro che soffrono per inclinazioni omosessuali non sono necessariamente responsabili della loro condizione. Nessuno dovrebbe giudicare tali persone come inferiori. La lunga esperienza della Chiesa dimostra che con l'aiuto della grazia di Gesù Cristo, la recezione frequente dei sacramenti della Riconciliazione e della Santa Eucaristia, l'impegno ascetico, e – in taluni casi - una terapia medica, essi possono evitare il peccato e fare progressi nel cammino verso la santità. Tutti devono lottare per compiere ciò che è giusto, ed è solo con la grazia di Dio e con un grande sforzo che uomini e donne riescono a realizzare la loro propria perfezione interiore. La Chiesa riconosce l'eguale dignità di tutte le persone ed offre un'accoglienza materna a coloro che sperimentano inclinazioni omosessuali. Allo stesso tempo la Chiesa condanna in modo assoluto ogni malizia in parole o azioni nei confronti di persone omosessuali ed insegna che tale comportamento mette in pericolo i principi più fondamentali di una sana società. Di conseguenza la Chiesa insegna che la legge umana dovrebbe promuovere il rispetto per la dignità intrinseca di ogni persona (13).
3. Orientamenti per una pastorale delle persone omosessuali
Nella sua azione pastorale la Chiesa apre le sue braccia a tutti gli uomini e a tutte le donne. «La Chiesa è il luogo in cui l'umanità deve ritrovare l'unità e la salvezza» (14). «Ogni salvezza viene da Cristo-Capo per mezzo della Chiesa che è il suo Corpo» (15). Con iniziativa creativa motivata dalla carità, e senza alcun timore, il fedele cristiano esprime il paterno amore di Dio per tutti andando alla ricerca di ciascuno e venendo incontro al suo desiderio di salvezza. Convinta che la perfezione salvifica della libertà umana può essere trovata solo nella verità di Gesù Cristo, la Chiesa deve sempre proclamare coraggiosamente la morale cristiana, anche quando incontra opposizione o, in casi estremi, persecuzione e martirio (16).
Pertanto, ogni impegno pastorale o apostolato a favore delle persone omosessuali dovrebbe adempiere alle seguenti condizioni.
1) Il rispetto per l'eguale dignità delle persone omosessuali esige di riconoscere che le azioni peccaminose, come gli atti omosessuali, ledono la dignità umana. I ministri della Chiesa perciò devono vigilare perché nessuna persona omosessuale loro affidata sia fuorviata dalla diffusa opinione erronea che l'attività omosessuale è una inevitabile conseguenza della condizione omosessuale (17).
2) Per essere efficace, autentica e fedele, ogni cura pastorale di persone omosessuali deve far conoscere la grave peccaminosità del comportamento omosessuale. Senza respingere nessuna persona di buona volontà, la pastorale per i fedeli omosessuali deve comunicare, quanto prima possibile, le esigenti ma attraenti condizioni della verità morale. Dal momento che alcune persone possono sentirsi respinte dalla Chiesa, la cura pastorale delle persone omosessuali raggiunge i maggiori risultati quando le aiuta a riconoscere che la Chiesa le accetta come persone, mentre le aiuta a comprendere l'insegnamento della Chiesa.
3) Con il loro sforzo di vivere secondo il Vangelo, le persone omosessuali raggiungono la pace e il dominio delle loro tendenze disordinate. Essi sono incoraggiati ad imparare che con l'amore di Cristo, «possono e devono, gradatamente e risolutamente, avvicinarsi alla perfezione cristiana» (18). Ogni attività pastorale con le persone omosessuali dovrebbe pertanto privilegiare l'impegno ascetico personale, la generosa accettazione della volontà di Dio, il riconoscimento di essere un figlio di Dio, e l'unione delle proprie sofferenze e difficoltà al sacrificio della croce del Signore (19). Con una comprensione ricca di compassione la cura pastorale della Chiesa dovrebbe incoraggiare il fedele omosessuale a sperare nella potenza della risurrezione del Signore, con la fiducia che lo Spirito Santo produrrà in loro «amore, gioia, pace, pazienza, benevolenza, bontà, fedeltà, mitezza e dominio di sé» (Gal 5, 22). Così come San Paolo scrive ai Galati, «ora quelli che sono di Cristo Gesù hanno crocifisso la loro carne con le sue passioni e i suoi desideri» (Gal 5, 24). Le persone omosessuali pertanto dovrebbero far uso dei mezzi sperimentati per crescere nella virtù della castità, fra cui la frequente recezione dei sacramenti della Penitenza e della Santa Comunione.
4) L'autenticità della pubblica proclamazione del Vangelo da parte della Chiesa deve essere garantita dall'assicurazione che tutti coloro che sono impegnati nella pastorale delle persone omosessuali, specialmente il clero ed i religiosi, siano personalmente convinti della dottrina della Chiesa e pronti a professare la dottrina della Chiesa come la loro propria. L'affidabilità pubblica dei ministri della Chiesa esige che essi credano e professino gli insegnamenti della Chiesa. Per attirare nuovi membri alla Chiesa si esigono convinzioni personali ferme ed impegno. Un'efficace pastorale in favore delle persone omosessuali, anche con quelle che possono sentirsi emarginate dalla Chiesa, esige prontezza nel comunicare la dottrina morale della Chiesa con un'adesione personale. La riluttanza nell'esprimere la totalità della morale cristiana soltanto danneggia la cura pastorale delle persone omosessuali e pertanto reca loro una grave ingiustizia.
5) Ogni impegno pastorale pubblico nei confronti delle persone omosessuali dovrebbe essere fatto in stretta unità e sotto la guida del Vescovo locale allo scopo di garantire che la pastorale rifletterà sempre la pienezza della dottrina cattolica.
6) La pastorale nei confronti delle persone omosessuali non dovrebbe mai rifuggire dal proclamare la verità per timore di critiche, e dovrebbe parlare coraggiosamente contro la pretesa che la condanna dell'attività omosessuale sia una specie di discriminazione ingiusta delle persone omosessuali o una violazione dei loro diritti (20). Coloro che accettano la condizione omosessuale come se non fosse disordinata e legittimano gli atti omosessuali «sono mossi da una visione opposta alla verità sulla persona umana, che ci è stata pienamente rivelata nel mistero di Cristo» (21). Anche se non se ne rendono conto, la loro approvazione dell'omosessualità riflette «una ideologia materialistica, che nega la natura trascendente della persona umana, così come la vocazione soprannaturale di ogni individuo» (22).
7) Per evitare malintesi o confusioni, la pastorale in favore delle persone omosessuali deve sempre essere totalmente indipendente da ogni gruppo che favorisca uno stile di vita «gay» o pretenda che la condizione omosessuale sia equivalente o in qualche modo superiore alla castità vissuta nel matrimonio o nel celibato. Gli operatori pastorali impegnati a favore delle persone omosessuali non dovrebbero associarsi con organizzazioni che promuovano mutamenti nella legislazione civile che offuschino il riconoscimento giuridico del matrimonio e della famiglia equiparandovi le unioni omosessuali (23).
La Chiesa è consapevole della responsabilità di dover conservare il dono inestimabile della Rivelazione e di doverlo difendere contro ogni influenza nefasta. I programmi pastorali, quando sono intrapresi in conformità con la verità della Rivelazione, contribuiscono al benessere umano e spirituale delle persone omosessuali, ed all'integrità della società. Non si deve mai dimenticare che «ogni allontanamento dall'insegnamento della Chiesa, o il silenzio su di esso, nella preoccupazione di offrire una cura pastorale, non è forma né di autentica attenzione né di valida pastorale. Solo ciò che è vero può ultimamente essere anche pastorale. Quando non si tiene presente la posizione della Chiesa si impedisce che uomini e donne omosessuali ricevano quella cura, di cui hanno bisogno e diritto» (24).
La risposta potrebbe essere anche chiusa qui, senza la necessità di aggiungere altro, ma sento il dovere di fornire un ulteriore strumento di analisi del fenomeno omosessualità, inteso nel suo complesso.
Perché un uomo può regolarmente sposarsi, amare la propria sposa, avere con lei dei figli e, poi, manifestare tendenze omosessuali?
Questo fenomeno è sempre più diffuso. Se l'omosessualità fosse contratta alla nascita in egual modo da tutti, ne deriverebbe che l'omosessuale non potrebbe mai amare un persona di sesso diverso dal suo, eppure...
Pertanto, l'omosessualità è una malattia che si contrae in modo diverso da soggetto a soggetto. Chi ne è colpito in forma latente può vivere felice una vita da perfetto eterosessuale, A MENO CHE ALTRI INTERVENGANO PER AGGRAVARNE LO STATO.
Tutta la propaganda afferente il così detto "orgoglio gay", con annessi divi dello spettacolo, IN PARTICOLARE CANTANTI, dichiaratamente (ed "orgogliosamente") omosessuali, ha il solo scopo di diffondere la malattia nella sua forma non latente, bensì conclamata.
Fino ad ora abbiamo parlato dell'omosessualità come di una malattia. Eppure, pare che noi si ci trovi in errore. Si! Infatti, dal 1999 l'omosessualità è stata derubricata come malattia dai nostri prontuari medici. La scienza ha dunque cambiato parere al riguardo dell'omosessualità.
Singolare è, tuttavia, il fatto che la "scienza" abbia cambiato opinione solo ed esclusivamente negli stati occidentali, ovvero in quelli sottoposti al dominio incontrastato della lobby ebraica, ma ciò non è accaduto in Russia, né il Cina, né in India e ...sorpresa... neanche in israele!
La verità è che la scienza non è mai stata "neutrale", ma ha sempre assecondato i desiderata della forza politica REALMENTE dominante.
Se l'obiettivo è RIDURRE LE NASCITE, la scieza medica si adeguerà: ...un parto su due sarà "per necessità medica" cesareo... gli omosessuali non saranno più malati e presto anche l'impotenza e la sterilità diverranno quanto mai "salubri"...
Siccome, per dirla alla Beppe Grillo, "le cose ovvie non le controlla mai nessuno", voglio parlare di due concetti ben poco "visitati" dagli intellettuali moderni.
L'omosessuale al pari dell'impotente e dello sterile non PUO' avere figli, un monaco al contrario non VUOLE... questo sostanzia l'omosessualità come malattia: il non potere e non il non volere.
Come molte malattie anche l'omosessualità può essere curata. In Russia questo è possibile ed anche in Olanda e negli U.S.A. si ha notizia di medici che, ANCHE SE SOTTOPOSTI ALLE PERSECUZIONI PIU' INFAMI, curano tale piaga sociale.
So bene che parlare di miracoli, a chi non ha la Fede, è poco conveniete... lo si farebbe solo ridere. Ma, PARLANDO SOLO ED ESCLUSIVAMENTE AI CATTOLICI, non mi va di tacere che l'umile frate di Pietralcina ha miracolosamente guarito dall'omosessualità molti suoi fedeli. E nessuno, fra i cattolici contemporanei, anche fra i più modernisti, può dubitare dell'ortodossia dottrinale di Padre Pio. Pare a questo punto quasi superfluo sottolineare che il Beato guariva da una malattia e non certo da una "scelta".
Se una persona è paraplegica, non è detto che sia anche infelice, potrebbe infatti essere felicissima, ad esempio, perché la nazionale ha vinto il campionato. Tuttavia essa sarà felice NONOSTANTE la propria malattia, e non certo a causa di essa. E ciò in quanto la paralisi è, di per se, cagionatrice d'infelicità.
Ma può l'omosessualità essere paragonata alla paralisi?
La risposta è, purtroppo, affermativa.
Se io sono omosessuale, vorrò amare e m'innamorerò di un uomo. Ma di quale uomo? Di un altro omosessuale?
No! M A I.
Una donna, per quanto possa essere bella, se, fuori dal letto, cammina come un uomo, si china a raccogliere gli oggetti come un uomo, ragiona e parla come un uomo, non potrà mai fare innamorare nessuno. Perché con l'amore non si cerca un completamento che sia soltanto corporale. Nessun uomo si potrebbe mai innamorare di un uomo dal corpo, pur bellissimo, di donna...
Pertanto nessun omosessuale potrebbe mai innamorarsi di un altro omosessuale, che, all'atto pratico, altro non è se non una femmina col corpo di maschio.
Gli omosessuali s'innamorano solo di maschi SANI, COMPLETI.
Ma un uomo che sia veramente tale NON POTRA' MAI CORRISPONDERE AD UN OMOSESSUALE. Da questo si evince in maniera chiarissima che l'omosessualità, in se stessa, è solo cagione d'infelicità.
__Le "coppie" omosessuali__
Le rarissime coppie omosessuali stabili che esistono non praticano quasi mai alcuna fedeltà reciproca essendo, ovviamente, entrambi gli omosessuali, per loro stessa natura, RICETTIVI. Si tratta quasi sempre di coppie di "amiche" che vivono insieme solo per convenienza economica.
__Promiscuità ripugnante__
La maggior parte degli omosessuali vive una sessualità morbosa e quanto mai promiscua: non vi è gabinetto di stazione ferroviaria che non ne sia infestato ventiquattr'ore al giorno... se ti azzardi ad urinare in un pisciammuro, si forma immediatamente attorno a te la capannella dei sodomiti che si masturbano guardando il tuo pene mentre urina.
E questo con buona pace di chi vuole combattere le "molestie sessuali"; le quali vengono, sì, combattute, ma SOLO quando si manifestano fra eterosessuali; ovvero solo quando sono, almeno in potenza, prolifiche.
Tutte le considerazioni fatte valgono anche per le lesbiche (con gli ovvi aggiustamenti di sesso), eccettuando la questione delle molestie nei gabinetti pubblici.
575 commenti:
1 – 200 di 575 Nuovi› Più recenti»Buongiorno Cavaliere, volevo segnalare che da qualche giorno, sul blog classico versione inglese, vedo tutto scombinato. Gli argomenti sono visualizzati in un ordine diverso da prima e non si capisce piu nulla. E' possibile fare una verifica? Grazie
Ing. Stefano
Gentile cavaliere, i messaggi sono tutti sfalzati e quando apro il suo blog, mi entrano dei virus sul computer, come mai?
Giancarlo da Padova
Il blog è ottimizzato per una risoluzione a 1024 x 768 pixel. Con risoluzioni minori possono verificarsi degli sfalzamenti fisiologici delle immagini. Pertanto si consiglia di utilizzare risoluzioni superiori. Per quanto riguarda i virus, le consiglio di verificare l'integrità del suo sistema in quanto il blog è monitoraro costantemente e un firewall sempre attivo si preoccupa di filtrare eventuali ingressi non idonei. Non risultano virus sul portale.
Buona serata
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto
Il blog è ottimizzato per una risoluzione a 1024 x 768 pixel. Con risoluzioni minori possono verificarsi degli sfalzamenti fisiologici delle immagini. Pertanto si consiglia di utilizzare risoluzioni superiori. Per quanto riguarda i virus, le consiglio di verificare l'integrità del suo sistema in quanto il blog è monitoraro costantemente e un firewall sempre attivo si preoccupa di filtrare eventuali ingressi non idonei. Non risultano virus sul portale.
Buona serata
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto
Buonasera, ho molti amici e colleghi francesi che si chiedevano se poteva essere creata una sezione del blog in francese, cosi come è stata creata in inglese. Speriamo che la nostra richiesta venga accolta. Grazie Tommaso da Pordenone
La ringrazio per l'attenzione.Ho preso in considerazione la sua richiesta che mi è già stata inoltrata da molti altri navigatori.
Good morning, can you to create a new section in Francais language? Thank you very much.
Arnold by Lione
Bene!è bello vedere che un blog di questa importanza abbia queste visite! continui cosi cavaliere.
Ing. Stefano
Salve, non riusciamo ad entrare nel blog parte 2, come mai? Laura e colleghe
Buona sera, sarebbe possibile avere il blog in francese, visto che lo ha reso disponibile in inglese? Grazie Gerard
Sono Smitty, volevo chiedere se si poteva inserire un collegamento che dal blog 1 porta direttamente al blog 2, quello in italiano. Grazie per l'eventuale attenzione.
Bello questo blog!
Vorrei rispondere ad alcuni argomenti sui quali non sono d'accordo, ma non c'è la possibilità di inserire dei commenti su alcuni post. Come mai?
Giulia da Foggia
Sono di nuovo Smitty, rifaccio la mia richiesta che non è stata considerata: è possibile fare dei link che portino agli altri blog da un blog iniziale? Dal blog Classico si può fare un link DIRETTO al blog nuovo? Grazie aiutooooooo ...
Ps. Grande cavaliere (però è un po troppo Berlusconiano e...)
Ho rivolto la sua richiesta al tecnico del portale.
(..a me risulta già operante...)
Grazie per l'attenzione e collaborazione
Cv Aldo
Salve dr. Aldo, sono Luigi da Teramo, vorrei avere l'opportunità di commentare gli argomenti ma su nessuno di questi c'è la possibilità di inserire commenti, come mai? Arrivederci
Luigi B.
Buon giorno Sig.LUIGI da Teramo
Come vede le sto rispondendo a seguito di quanto richiesto.
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Buon giorno Sig.LUIGI da Teramo
Come vede le sto rispondendo a seguito di quanto richiesto.
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Gentile Aldo, non mi viene visualizzato quanto da lei riferitomi. Viene visualizzato solo la possibilita di inserire commenti su QUESTA ARGOMENTAZIONE.
Può verificare?
Egregio Sig. Luigi
Sto esaminando quanto da Lei riscontrato.
Nel frattempo provi la seconda soluzione.
Cav. Aldo
Cavaliere come mai ci sono messaggi di viagra qui sopra? Vorrei inserire dei commenti agli argomenti ma NON c'è la possibilita di inserire i commenti ai post qui sotto. Perchè? E' possibile risolvere questo problema? Smitty
RISPOETA A Smitty 59
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
RIDPONDERO in individual categories of the new blog
Cav.Aldo Gariglietto
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Cav. Aldo Gariglietto 20/01/2010
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Answer Cav. Aldo Gariglietto
I make an exception for this kind of anonymous reader not delete his comment because it is perfectly related to the basic concept of my blog: Immanent nothing is created in the system and nothing is destroyed.
Therefore no human being can create phenomena such as earthquakes are just one of many phenomena known energy expressed by the formula of Albert Einstein, probably the most famous of physics: energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared .
It seems an innocent expression, but this implies that a small amount of matter is a disproportionate amount of energy that gave a sense of vertigo, amazement, elation and fear of atomic scientists who, after the First World War foresaw the possibility of nuclear phenomena cause this is even more devastating than chemical hitherto used in the manufacture of explosives.
The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had about the same explosive potential of a gram of matter converted completely into this energy.
E'dunque the transformation of matter into energy supplies to the Sun and other stars all the fuel needed to shine so vehemently non-stop for hundreds of millions or billions of years.
Being able to decipher what is written in mathematical terms immanence discovered by Galileo Galilei four hundred years ago has no connection with the use of this discovery may be made by the rope arms and industrialization wild.
"The man can perish due to the technique that he developed, not the truth that he discovered through scientific research" as he said John Paul II.
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1. Keep Distance from all deep-fried foods for the week
2. Drink an 8oz glass of grapefruit with breakfast each day. (this accelerates up your metabolism)
3. Take average portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. Rather than eating 3 huge a meals a day, eat 5-6 small meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Aviod your habbit of eating after 9 P.M.. Its good to eat before 9 P.M. so that our body gets proper time to burn calories before sleep.
6. Take proper sleep every night. Not taking plenty sleep has been verified to be a major factor to the body storing excess fat.
7. Use a body/colon clean for the 7 days. This will get rid of needless fat stored just about the tummy area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that cause you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I suggest you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is proven to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those people who want to burn fat quickly, avoid alcohol.
10[url=].[/url] A low GI diet is an excellent method of burning weight quickly.
Answer Cav. Aldo Gariglietto
As I did for the two previous comments by Anonymous also meets at this comment because I think the argument concerning the slimming treatment, linked to the concept behind the project I'm developing.
Like us humans, who belong to particular Existence 3 and of course all members of existing 2 and 1, exist as the Absolute Infinite set Supermondo included in the proton which is the only brick that we made together with the rest the infinite.
So the argument of slimming does not concern us because, as absolute invisible beings, it has always a ratio (see table on the largest amount of measurable time and the smallest conceivable) of the concept 34 of my blog, 3 for 10 raised to otttantaduesima (82) power.
Clearly, the Anonymous who outlined the topic of slimming mean to refer not to the infinite beings, but those of all finite human beings, perhaps ignoring the fact that in this finite beings belong entirely different and not consist of "Proton" but by the finite element of flesh and bones.
Warning! Okay I examine the argument of slimming, but only if we regard it as simply a way to build, to our pleasure, a "suit" that allows us to be visible to the naked eye for a very short time, like a clap of cilia of human life over.
No one can ban those who want to reason rigorously, as I'm doing, with infinite quantities. We must avoid using for these quantities, concepts and experiences, which have their roots in finite things. In those circumstances, such as slimming, which make the real world and material, so familiar to us.
Thank you.
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Answer Cav. Gariglietto
I agree with the condemnation of 'anonymous user thereon of gambling, as well as for all those who think that life is so easy to just sign a card or a contract for millions. Everyone wants jelly made as I described with the article "insulting the sweat" on 16/12/2009 in category "Questions and answers with our readers."
So I want to enjoy the view of the anonymous reader for expanding the concept of that article.
All of us, belonging Existence 3, we are able to critically analyze our experience and recognize what it takes to develop and what hinders it instead.
The desire for profit is not, as described by the great psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, an expression of desire for personal possession, but a fair measure of economic behavior.
Is not produced for consumption, even if production is to undergo a cost analysis of the commodity to be sold, but it produces higher profits to accumulate investment for the production or purchase of raw materials, and it is a mistake to nell'aspirazione see only the lust for profit of possession of individuals although this can occur, but the gain in a modern industrial society is an indicator of a measure of skills and abilities successful whose joy is a product of reason and the dejection or depression are the result of a wrong way of doing things.
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You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto responded
Verba volant, scripta manent, this old proverb, which derives from a speech of Gaius Titus the Roman Senate, caution creeps in writing, because, if the words are easily forgotten, the writings can still be the undisputed documents.
However it is noteworthy that this proverb was originally a value quite the opposite. In an age when most were illiterate, was an indication that the word journey, flying from mouth to mouth, and allow their message continues to circulate, while the writings remain fixed and immovable, gathering dust without spreading their content.
The number of readers of my blog show that the project to express scientific thought in the book version has been warmly embraced by the very fact that, thanks to the Internet, my book to be read online fly around the world.
There is the reader who prefers to go from beginning to end, skipping the concepts difficult to come back later. Some people find the most effective jump from classic to individual concepts in the version with the new mirror blog.
When one says something, often forget the time it takes to get to understand those things that you try to explain it. Indeed the case that the more time it takes to understand something, the less time we devote to explain it. In this blog I fell into this principle of compensation, as if in my heart I tried to conceal the intellectual effort of 30 years used to understand these new concepts. Well, as said Enrico Fermi, a good teacher is one who, when about to explain something, you remember the difficulties to be overcome in order to understand himself and the time taken.
I warmly thank all the many readers who by their constant presence encourage me to continue to do so.
"Making money" is a system that if you are not careful you fall into a death trap.
As I said in the article "insulting the sweat" (see category "Individual Thought"), no conquest, like that of "making money" on line quoted by anonymous reader, can give substance and satisfaction if achieved without sweat to get there; even the most gifted nature, the most brilliant.
In "Making money" today is lacking an emotional connection between seller and buyer, where once there was a special relationship between the merchant and the and his client.
The businessman felt satisfaction when selling goods to customers useful and appropriate.
Of course, this still exists, but is an exception. The sales staff is indifferent to the prices of what sells, and it is needless to emphasize that the smile with which you are welcomed not be paid, in fact, with the high price level.
Today, I would say that it is significantly diminished ability to feel compassion, and perhaps even gone to feel pain.
Many individuals who have never known happiness, but there is no one who has never suffered, as far as efforts to suppress awareness of pain. Compassion is inextricably linked to love for their fellows; where there is love, there can be no compassion. The opposite of compassion is indifference.
Attention, therefore, to "make money" online. What you call love for the individual use, very often a way of subjection, and who knows how to love her like one, does not like anyone.
"Ganar dinero" es un sistema que, si no tienes cuidado te caes en una trampa mortal.
Como dije en el artículo de "insultar el sudor" (véase la categoría "Individual Thought"), no se conquista, como la de "hacer dinero" en línea, citado por lector anónimo, puede dar contenido y la satisfacción en caso de lograrse sin el sudor para llegar; incluso la naturaleza con más talento, el más brillante.
En "hacer dinero" a día de hoy se carece de una conexión emocional entre el vendedor y el comprador, donde una vez hubo una relación especial entre el comerciante y el y su cliente.
El empresario se sentía satisfacción cuando la venta de productos a clientes útil y apropiada.
Por supuesto, esto todavía existe, pero es una excepción. El personal de ventas es indiferente a los precios de lo que vende, y no es necesario hacer hincapié en que la sonrisa con la que se acoge favorablemente la atención, de hecho, con el elevado nivel de precios.
Hoy en día, yo diría que es disminuido significativamente la capacidad de sentir compasión, y tal vez incluso ido a sentir dolor.
Muchas personas que nunca han conocido la felicidad, pero no hay nadie que nunca ha sufrido, por lo que los esfuerzos para suprimir la conciencia del dolor. La compasión está indisolublemente ligada al amor a sus semejantes, donde hay amor, no puede haber compasión. Lo contrario de la compasión es la indiferencia.
Atención, por lo tanto, de "hacer" dinero en línea. Lo que tú llamas amor por el uso individual, muy a menudo una forma de sometimiento, y que sabe cómo amar como a uno no le gusta a nadie.
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Cav. Aldo Gariglietto responded
I do not cancel this exceptionally Anonymous as me the opportunity to bring his message to this project that I'm developing with my blog.
The clocks of the widest variety of models and brands advertised by anonymous readers belong, as in operation 1, the technological applications that have transformed the world in the distant past had only two major inventions: the wheel and fire.
The reason is that paralysis was due to the fact that neither the fire nor the wheel, no stones that always fall down or feathers, which instead remain suspended in the air, had been understood that such details are derived from a rigorous Logic of Creation.
It was Galileo Galilei first to have discovered the footprints of Him who made the world: the principle of inertia, the relativity of motion, the equivalence between inertial mass and gravitational mass.
It was precisely that Galileo has measured the acceleration of gravity inventing the inclined plane, ie using a piece of wood and stone. And as the clock pulse.
Still surprising how fast the stones falling: too fast to be measured. The inclined plane, however, to slow the motion of falling as much as you want. And the measures are made without difficulty.
The Greeks would have been possible to do those measures, even then, there were no modern clocks recalled from anonymous readers whom I thank for giving me the opportunity to comment on this entry his.
Anonymous said
The French gourmet cheese Bleu d'Auvergne has a wonderful aroma, a rich taste; the saltiness increases with the incidence of veining. The overall flavor is piquant but not overly sharp. Bleu d'Auvergne started life as an imitation of Roquefort, using cow's milk in place of sheep's milk. Legend has it that a peasant, around 1845, decided to inject his cheese with a blue mold that he found growing on his left-over bread (the motto being, waste not, want not). And thus, the gourmet cheese Bleu d'Auvergne was born. This French gourmet blue cheese comes from the region of Auvergne and the cheese is made from milk of Salers and Aubrac cows. The rind is very thin and so the cheese is usually wrapped in foil. The cheese is rich and creamy with a pale yellow color and scattered holes and well-defined greenish-blue veining. We cut and wrap this cheese in wedge of 8 ounces and 1 pound.
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Anonymous said
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto responded
As I did with the Anonymous who advertise the brand of watches so I do not cancel the advertising of French Cheese Bleu d'Auvergne of Anonymous said as they also have a direct reference to this blog.
The cheese is made, like ourselves, protons, neutrons and electrons. The bricks that makes up everything these particles are then fitted with an intrinsic movement is part of subnuclear that has dealt a blow to Albert Einstein who considered the gravitational force as a single charge, and any other result than this.
But this mistake was just the way to understand how the world was really done.
Paul M. Dirac equation, one discovers that the real revolution of our times, the existence of a sub-nuclear world that does not exist but there is equally true of things we see.
Jesus Nazareth, with the establishment, two thousand years ago, the Sacrament of the Eucharist had already guessed and said to his disciples at the Last Supper, the bread and wine were his body and his blood.
Himself (Gospel of Thomas, logion 77) said: "Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift a stone and you'll find me.
Jesus of Nazareth, and later Galileo Galilei to Dirac, have paved the road that is within us, in each proton and neutron are made of cells in our body, including our muscles and our brain that allows us to develop projects that explore these universes that make up every part of ourselves.
Then not only bread and wine are the body and blood of Jesus of Nazareth and to ours, but with all due respect, the French cheese Bleu d'Auvergne and the rest of the Universe are the same facts and unique bricks
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Howdy everybody, I just signed up on this perfect community and wished to say hiya! Have a great day!
Thank you and I welcome this gentle surf anonymously.
His vote in favor of this project of mine, so also that of many other patients whom I thank readers from the heart, encourage me to continue with the difficult goal, as the Gospel of Lucca (8th, 10:11), to reveal and conceal simultaneously the existence of the One who made the world, to force them to search inside their lives something more intense and profound meaning of the simple fable of God
It 'the first time that a man can ask, on the basis of scientific rigor through the unified study of all structures and perhaps the basic nature of this subject that has fascinated all the thinkers of all civilizations.
After countless attempts, as confused as misleading, which is filled with the history of human thought, was, as I said at the beginning of my blog, Glileo Galilei guessed the right way to open up and preached two thousand years ago by Jesus of Nazareth with a tremendous ability to communicate in the language of the parables, that is, narrative examples from daily life also suited to those who did not have a great culture.
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Cav.Aldo Gariglietto
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto responded
I welcome this announcement in my blog too Anonymous on the microwave oven in which the specimen was first marketed in 1947.
Who hits the microwave with my blog?
As I reported in 27 waves microwave concept is part of the extraordinary theory that, quantum electrodynamics, which has as its founding fathers Maxwel and Planck, two great scientists believe.
L 'Quantum Electrodynamics, although the highest scientific construction today, can neither prove nor deny the existence of God (See also concept 50).
Yet the man in the street is convinced that Charles R. Darwin has shown our direct descent from the apes: the dominant culture does not believe the evolutionary theory of the human species is capable of serious obscurantism, comparable to persist in believing that the sun revolved around, with land in the center of the world
And 'true the opposite.
The obscurantist are those who claim to assume the status of scientific truth a theory without even a basic mathematical structure and without any experimental evidence of mold Galilean.
If the man of our times had a truly modern culture, should know that the theory of evolution is not part of Galilean science. For it lacks the two pillars that have enabled the great turn of sixteen hundred: reproducibility and rigor. In short, questioning the existence of God, on the basis of what evolutionists have so far discovered, has nothing to do with science. With the blackout modern, yes.
Thank you, therefore, the reader Anonino that with the announcement of the microwave has given me the opportunity to underline this basic principle.
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Anonymous said
I was looking for women Boots and was wondering if Elizabeth and James is the best designer for women Boots?
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto responded
Welcome to my blog of Designer Elizabeth and James that deals with the design of many types of boots that I leave the reader to appreciate the qualities of style and fashion.
I am interested to note, however, the correspondence of this professional concepts that are part of the project's blog and specifically the concept 7.
Among the innumerable forms of living matter, we are the only endowed with an extraordinary privilege: to learn to decipher the logic of the One who made the world. This honor distinguishes us from any other form of living matter. That's why we can not take for granted that we should apply the same principle that biological evolution is true of other forms of living matter. Indeed, our species (Existence 3) has been able to achieve an evolutionary principle extraordinarily more effective and culturally. If we can see at distances far beyond the confines of the horizon and if we can travel at supersonic speeds, these properties we have exceptional cultural evolution, not organic farming. A monkey is made of protons, neutrons and electrons, which are identical to the protons, neutrons and electrons in our cells and our body. Even an eagle, a kitten, oceans, mountains are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. We must conclude that applies to these forms of inert matter (mountains, oceans, etc.). And living (eagles kittens, etc..) Cultural evolution that has led to the creation of artistic forms such as those of Designer ans Elizabeth James and others until the threshold of Supermondo?
How many millions of years we should expect you to biological evolution leads an eagle to fly at supersonic speeds? Or our posterity to study with eagles and cats - or other forms of living matter - the logic that governs all phenomena, from the heart of a proton on the edge of the cosmos?
E 'of clear certainty that can not extend to our form of living matter' s biological evolution of all other forms of living matter. Biological evolution as regards the form of living matter which is ours, should be studied with specific research. Pretend to have understood a phenomenon that still can not be formulated in terms of logical-mathematical rigor that would be placed at even the minimum (third) of scientific credibility and extend the human species - like the fanatics of evolution - it's against all that the Galilean science has enabled us to discover and understand.
Furthermore, treating animals belonging to the same rank 2 Existence of human beings, is ultimately a wrong that is done to them. Not need it, much less seek it. Perhaps, should be called into question many forms of domestication, which weakens them.
Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
I take this opportunity gives me the anonymous reader with the provision of its email services to emphasize a very important point that must always be revealed if you would like to offer recipients the opportunity to be active partners and not just silent spectators and passive .
The conflict is presented not simply between the old and new, but between different modes of operation of the mechanisms of democracy is linked to different uses of the same technology, is the choice between different technologies.
But most importantly it is essential to keep alive the freedom to think and operate which is the only solution before all'incalzare problems that arise in only 3 of Existence, and Existence 2 everything is planned and resolved without need for freedom.
How can not exist between the living matter other existences outside of 'Existence 2 and Existence 3, any other form of conduct different from these two lives is doomed to failure because contrary to the fundamental laws of nature invented by him that made the world.
Try every means to establish political behavior of society with characteristics equal to an existing type 2.5 is like trying to create a new balance in nature different balance between the positive and negative.
Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
I thank the anonymous reader for his praise about this blog and want to take advantage of its listing to give him and all the other devoted readers some tips fruit of my long experience in the field of personal computers.
As I briefly reported in the "concept 4", in 1953 I started my professional activity as designer of hydraulic machines in the calculations using a slide rule and then go to the first electronic programmer Olivetti P100 type magnetic card and then the other models P62 P6060 and to finish the first personal computer model of the Olivetti M24 programmed with the Basic language until the late 50s.
Then, to keep pace of technological development, I had to constantly remove old card, insert new cards, change memory banks until the moment when I realized that was the "motherboard" for being too old now for more devices recent.
More than once I tried to keep my PC as it was, but unfortunately it always comes out when a new, amazing 3D game irreversibly blocking the microprocessor that I considered the last word and then decide to change the least video card.
In order not to destroy an electrostatic charge generation the precious card board and then just bought all the patient readers who continue to read to take some precautions.
Since most of the electronic components in personal computers have a maximum tolerance level of about thirty times, it becomes essential to ward off the excess electrons.
So, first unplug the computer power, remove the side covers and attach a metal chassis part of a heater with a copper wire.
Then, for discharge excess static electricity from your body, simply create a wrist strap: another piece of the same copper wire wrapped around the wrist, also be connected to the radiator.
In this way we grounded both your computer and your body, minimizing the risk of damaging the precious cards.
That said, however, the only certainty in computing is that the great computer with lots of "mega" and "gig" with which our reader Anonymous intends to make money online, it becomes obsolete the moment it unpack.
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I thank the anonymous reader who is inserted to signal with his love listing fee.
In the note "The Revolution of sexuality" which is part of the concept 24 of blogs
I argued that the long strand of DNA of living matter makes its appearance the most important invention: SEX.
Until that time the cell reproduces, in the true sense, identical. With sex, two things they seek third cells, different from them.
To avoid unnecessary complications, I tried to envisage the topic of sex in a language less technical as possible.
However, the difficulty of the task should not prevent the attempt to understand the obstacles and conditions.
Today, modern man's happiness consists in the emotion of watching shop windows, buying everything they can afford, whether in cash or in installments. For a man, an attractive girl, and a woman, an attractive man, are the objects of their research.
In a culture dominated the marketing approaches such as those presented to us by our reader with Anonymous that its insertion in which material success is the predominant value, it is little wonder that the love relationships follow the same pattern of " exchange "that governs everyday life.
If two people who had left suddenly fall outside the wall that divided them, and feel close, together, this moment of union is one of the most exciting emotions of life.
The miracle of this sudden intimacy is often facilitated if the same, or if it starts with sexual attraction.
However, this kind of love is by its nature love is enduring.
If you launch, as claimed by Erich From his book "the art of love, that love is the only viable solution to the problem of human existence, then any society which excludes the development of love must in the long run , to perish for its contradictions with the fundamental needs of human nature.
That this need is obscured by moral outrage the modesty does not mean it does not exist.
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hey everybody
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone!
Can't wait to start some good conversations!
Thanks again!
Marshall said
hey everybody
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone!
Can't wait to start some good conversations!
Thanks again!
Cav.Aldo Gariglietto said
I thank my friend Marshall who kindly expressed the desire to enter the forum of this blog as I thank all the kind readers who continue to follow my path in this popular.
Today's Internet provides us all information that we belong 3 Existence of any kind.
We can browse electronic newspapers, listen to music online, communicate via audio and video conferencing ddirittura in real time with other users worldwide.
The boom, however, came only after the birth of the World Wide Web, also known under the acronym or abbreviation WWW Web
In the past, to achieve the resources of the Internet or transmit information was necessary to use complex commands and not intuitive, almost always manually entered via the keyboard.
The WWW has simplified the user experience that can get any information by simply clicking on links, or links contained in Web documents
And all this thanks to who?
Thanks to the discoveries of Galileo Galilei who brought us the greatest synthesis in comptensione of Creation: Three Pillars and Three Forces, Fundamental governing the material reality, from the heart of a proton on the edge of the Cosmos.
The State can not change or vary at will the fundamental laws that govern the universe.
Science and the State is the source of values such as freedom of thought, goodness and generosity.
The state, as Murray Rothbard argues, there is as such: words like "State" or "Company" are illusions verbal, simple metaphors, not real entities.
The state is only an association of individuals who agreed to be called so.
These men and women have set themselves the goal of esercitre the monopoly of violence and extortion of funds.
Marshall said
hey everybody
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone!
Can't wait to start some good conversations!
Thanks again!
Cav.Aldo Gariglietto said
I thank my friend Marshall who kindly expressed the desire to enter the forum of this blog as I thank all the kind readers who continue to follow my path in this popular.
Today's Internet provides us all information that we belong 3 Existence of any kind.
We can browse electronic newspapers, listen to music online, communicate via audio and video conferencing ddirittura in real time with other users worldwide.
The boom, however, came only after the birth of the World Wide Web, also known under the acronym or abbreviation WWW Web
In the past, to achieve the resources of the Internet or transmit information was necessary to use complex commands and not intuitive, almost always manually entered via the keyboard.
The WWW has simplified the user experience that can get any information by simply clicking on links, or links contained in Web documents
And all this thanks to who?
Thanks to the discoveries of Galileo Galilei who brought us the greatest synthesis in comptensione of Creation: Three Pillars and Three Forces, Fundamental governing the material reality, from the heart of a proton on the edge of the Cosmos.
The State can not change or vary at will the fundamental laws that govern the universe.
Science and the State is the source of values such as freedom of thought, goodness and generosity.
The state, as Murray Rothbard argues, there is as such: words like "State" or "Company" are illusions verbal, simple metaphors, not real entities.
The state is only an association of individuals who agreed to be called so.
These men and women have set themselves the goal of esercitre the monopoly of violence and extortion of funds.
Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
Also this time I sincerely thank the anonymous reader who gives me the opportunity to take advantage of its listing on tickets for air travel to connect to the main theme of the blog and the Christian holiday of Easter.
Air travel for the Existence rapprsenta 3 event maximum recall achieved currently by man landing on the moon. But as I said in the concept 15, to "leave" the Earth, traveling in a vacuum and, later, visiting other celestial bodies, the man had (and still more will) to adapt their body and mind in conditions human. Gravity and centrifugal force are equal, then why cancel direct opposite, hence have zero value. GRAVITY 'ZERO. Complicating matters are the famous "Van Allen belts" that surround the Earth and in which the radiation trapped becoming dangerous for people to cross. Months or years will be needed to explore our solar system, beyond which it will, in my opinion, never, at least until someone has demonstrated the incorrect assumption that condemns every body not to move at speeds greater than light.
For what concerns instead use the aircraft for tourism during holidays such as Easter, I inancing all signs that this holiday is not due to a miraculous event. The fact that Jews fleeing Egyptian army pursued, have crossed the Red Sea and after their transition waves have swept away the Egyptians, is due to a natural fact that in this case was fortunate only to Jews. Lately the word tsunami (from giapponse tsu "harbor" and nami "wave" or "wave against the port) is now entered into current use in the Italian language as a synonym for earthquake. The meaning of these terms is essentially the same: abnormal indicates a wave that strikes the coast, regardless of the cause that may have originated. In the canonical Gospels, Jesus of Nazareth was intended to celebrate the Passover with his disciples to remember their natural that this event was resolved in favor of the Jews at the expense of the Egyptians.
And now we come to the crux of the Christian festival of Easter. The main theme of my entire blog is focused, as I said at the beginning, proving that in Physics "nothing is created and nothing is destroyed." The Catholic Church has made the mistake of incorrectly interpreting the words of Jesus when Nzaret alleged "Whoever believes in me shall never die." As has happened to Albert Enstein which recognized his mistake to include the cosmological constant into his theory of relativity was unaware of the existence of subnuclear particles, so the Catholic Church comfort in clear contradiction with Jesus of Nazareth's resurrection by giving his body as a dogma to all mankind could not find, like Einstein, other conditions of the scientific fuoti Physics focuses only on the force of gravity. As I mentioned in particular the concept 45. the canonical Gospels are very sober on the days following the resurrection. Indeed, some did not speak at all.
Parts of the heart and I welcome also on behalf of all the many friends who together seek the truth that comes from the contradiction
Answer once again to the anonymous reader who proposes the topic on air transport by introducing the old theme much discussed and never taken seriously on the issue of freedom.
And 'good immediately specify what freedom .-
Natural law, for each individual, to have himself and what he has acquired through exchange or by gift, property and freedom are thus inseparable.
Any attack on property is an attack on freedom. Companies that separate freedom and private property right man of the conditions necessary to exercise its rights really.
An example of state ownership in a state of bankruptcy is related to the old Alitalia, which was privatized in January 2009 with a smaller network than the old Alitalia, with a cut of 30 foreign destinations including 6 European capitals, but with greater presence in the domestic market 52% of traffic, four times the size of Meridian and six times larger than Wind Jet
A company can actually operate without the state?
The entire work of Murray Rothbard (who teaches economics from the University of Las Vegas) is an affirmative answer to this question and concrete.
The anonymous reader has certainly realized himself that the principles defended by liberal economists and political practice which sometimes boasts of liberalism are separated by an abyss.
The gap is on the order of things, in democracies, where intellectuals are free of their thought and the elect are prisoners of their constituents. It is highly desirable that it be so: the non-impairment of liberal thinkers with the active policy is a guarantee of the authenticity of their claim and their influence.
But I do not think that the liberal solution should lead to the disappearance of state and politics, I just want to contribute to make the States a little more respectable, credible and honest.
Readers who follow me for a long time will be surprised that I canceled the issue of gambling proposed by this anonymous reader.
Las Vegas is, I think the anticipation of a free society.
The coin-operated machines are everywhere and remind us that everything is controlled by money.
Is not the symbol of good taste but is much better than Hiroshima. The philosophy of laissez-faire has never killed anyone and kill in his name. Gambling is regulated by the modern concept of probability attributed to the Chevalier de Mere (an avid player history with this one) had calculated that get at least a 6 on 4 rolls of a dice trick was not equivalent to at least get a double 6 in 24 launches, always a nut not rigged.
However, playing according to that belief, instead of winning and losing Pascal wrote to complain that he failed math in front of empirical evidence. From this sprang a correspondence between Pascal and Fermat that he began to emerge within the frequentist concept of probability. Pascal announced in 1654 the Academy of Paris who was working on the problem of allocating at stake. And in a letter dated July 29 of that year in Fermat proposed the solution of the problem addressed by the method of recurrence, while Fermat used methods based on combinations.
I refer those who read me the concept 39 of the blog where I wrote: Both possibilities are of course questionable: "The reason here can not decide what to wager on anything .(...)?
With reason, you can not support either.
So do not accuse error those who have made a choice, why do not you know nothing. "
This is the crucial point: you choose!
Not choosing is still a choice, "Il faut parier - you bet; lies n'est pas volontaire - this is not left to free will, vous êtes embarquè - now you're on the boat."
And what are the chances?
Depending on the nature of the alternative (eternal life and happiness or nothing) depending on size and use (for use over the infinite) - reflect well on this - the possibilities are dell'irreligiosità those of faith as zero to infinity "if you believe in God is not lost in any case nothing, but you can earn more.
The subject of the bet, it would be misunderstood if one saw a new test of mathematical existence of God, Pascal, stimulated by the game of dice that practice has certainly helped to establish the probability, but his bet would make clear that the question of the existence or nonexistence of God does not require an assessment of pure reason, but a man's decision as a whole, which can not be proved by reason, but it may well be justified in front to it.
A calculated risk, then, is a serious matter: the man uses for this fundamental decision at least as much care, will Pascal, how much for a decision at the table
March 24, 2010 In response to the anonymous reader who asked whether his advertisement with ans Elizabeth James is the best designer for women Boots maintained that among the innumerable forms of living matter we are the only one that has succeeded in creating an extraordinary evolutionary principle more effective and culturally. I have listed the time inter alia the great achievements of space that were the result of this evolution, not organic farming. Now by typing this I must add that the Anonymous Gossip (the Italian has borrowed from English) that is the gossip against VIP and celebrities, is a point, although far less prestigious, which 2 also sets us apart from the existence
As I mentioned particularly the concept 50 of us, as all living matter, belong to all classified by Kurt Godel constructible finished with the bricks that make up living matter (protons), combined with precise biological rules. And these remain in this condition during the time of our lives where organic produce, as Existence 3, extraordinary events mentioned.
With biological death that the bricks were joined by these rules are natural disunites to return a part as finite sets in a non-constructible categorized by Paul Cohen. So the intuition of the eternal life Jesus of Nazareth was confirmed by Subnuclear Physics which studies the effects of reproducible invisible bricks of our biological existence that has a life span compared to the existence of the proton, the blink of an eye.
Worth it, then worry about whether or not the Gossip reported with this listing?
Present in these pages updated data on February 28, 2010. Games available via
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Il Sig. Filippo di Vicenza ha detto
Buongiorno, sono Filippo e scrivo da Vicenza. Dopo i recenti fatti di cronaca che interessano il Vaticano, sono sconcertato e rafforzo sempre di più l'idea che questa chiesa cattolica non rappresenti per NIENTE colui che ci ha creato e che ci permette di vivere... Tratto pertanto da questo blog solo gli stralci scientifici tralasciando ogni considerazione di tipo cattolico. Complimenti comunque per l'impegno. Buona giornata Filippo
Scritto da: Filippo C. | 11/04 12:33AM
Risposta del Cav.Aldo
Condivido l’amarezza e lo sconcerto del Sig. Filippo di Vicenza alla notizia che non può che suscitare sdegno di quei preti Cattolici che si sono macchiati del gravissimo marchio della pedofilia nei confronti dell’innocenza dei bambini.
Con questo andrei molto cauto nel trarre da questa notizia concludioni totalmente negative sulla missione religiosa della Chiesa Cattolica.
Il mio personale atteggiamento si ispira a un Cattolicidemo che ha origine da Platone, che prosegue in Gesù di Nazaret per finire a Tommaso D’Aquino.
Sono questi i punti di riferimento con i quali ho sempre tratto insegnamenti nel corso della mia vita.
Platone che si avvale del dialogo perché lo ritiene l'unico in grado di riportare l'argomento alla concretezza storica di un dibattito fra persone.
Gesù di Nazaret (Vangelo Lucca ; 26,34) con la frase ”Padre, perdona loro, perchè non sanno quello che fanno” in cui l’uomo se conoscesse l'Amore, non potrebbe più odiare, non farebbe del male a nessuno, ma tenterebbe in tutti i modi di "fare proprio" quell'Amore.
Infine Tommaso D’Aquino con la sua massima « Tu non possiedi la Verità, ma è la Verità che possiede te. » tratto da De veritate.
E proprio da quest’ultimo desidero, con questa verità, formulare la risposta al quesito del sig. Filippo che ringrazio per i complementi per il mio blog.
La famosa equazione di Einstein stabilisce che la Massa (Noi stessi) e l’Energia sono equivalenti.
Pertanto se c’è massa, deve esserci Energia.
E tutti noi, di questa energia ne abbiamo da farci saltare per aria .
Se questo non succede è perchè la nostra massa è elettricamente neutra; infatti ciascuna massa, di cui consta qualsiasi cosa, è fatta con una massa di carica negativa che sono gli elettroni, esattamente uguali al numero di protoni con carica positiva.
Il totale delle Cariche elettriche, positive e negative della nostra massa, fa zero.
Questo zero però è la somma di un enorme numero di cariche elettriche di segno opposto.
Morale della favola: I preti pedofili della Chiesa Cattolica rappresentano le cariche negative di segno opposto a quelle positive creando così il perfetto equilibrio che non fa saltare per aria la Chiesa Cattolica come qualsiasi cosa che esiste nel mondo.
Mr. Philip said of Vicenza - Catholic priests
Hello, I am writing to Philip and Vicenza. After recent news events involving the Vatican, are increasingly bewildered and reinforces the idea that the Catholic Church does not represent ANYTHING for the one who created us and allows us to live ... Is therefore only excerpts from this blog scientific omitting any consideration of Catholic-style. Congratulations for the effort anyway. Good day Philip
Written by: Philip C. | 11/04 12:33 AM
Answer Cav.Aldo Gariglietto
I share the bitterness and bewilderment of Mr. Philip Vicenza to the news that can not but arouse indignation of those Catholic priests who were guilty of serious brand of pedophilia against the innocence of children.
This would be very careful in drawing this news concludioni totally negative religious mission of the Catholic Church.
My personal attitude is inspired by Catholicism, which originates from Plato, who continues in Jesus of Nazareth and ending with Thomas Aquinas.
These are the reference points with which I have always learned the lessons in the course of my life.
Plato uses the dialogue because it considers the only one able to bring the topic to the historical concreteness of a debate between people.
Jesus of Nazareth (Gospel Lucca, 26.34) with the phrase "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" when the man if he knew love, could no longer hate, would hurt anyone, but seek by all means "to do their" love.
Finally, Thomas Aquinas with his maxim, "You do not have the Truth, but Truth is that you have. 'Tract De Veritate.
And just by that desire, with this truth, I offer the answer to the question of Mr. Philip thank you for the compliments on my blog.
Einstein's famous equation states that mass (ourselves) and energy are equivalent.
So if there is mass, there must be energy.
And all of us, this energy we have to make us jump in the air.
If this does not happen is because our ground is electrically neutral, as each mass, which consists of anything, is done with a mass of negatively charged electrons that are exactly equal to the number of positively charged protons.
The total electric charge, positive and negative effects of our mass is zero.
This is zero but the sum of a large number of electric charges of opposite sign.
Moral of the story: The Catholic Church's pedophile priests represent the negative charges of opposite sign to positive ones, thus creating the perfect balance that does not blow up the Catholic Church as anything that exists in the world.
Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
The readers will certainly not why I canceled the listing of this Anonino invites you to connect to this webcam sex to admire the girls who show off their beauties attractive because no one is shocked outrage the modesty as Spain in the past when the nudity, even those hypocritically cloaked mythical aura typical of European art of the time, were forbidden by the Church and punished by the Inquisition: they arrived at that point in the eighteenth century, two kings of Spain to burn all naked in the collections real. The naked most of the history of Spanish art before Desnuda it is the mirror of Venus Velasquez.
This is certainly a Desnuda naked quite different: only a powerful man as Godoy was in such an open challenge to the provisions of the Inquisition at home and keep such a picture.
Now give an opinion on this one is afraid of making mistakes, or worse to be misjudged by others, is such that we already give the bud sparks positive thoughts or creative.
In reality every idea that is just beginning and needs to be polished, expanded, adjusted and perhaps even developed in the opposite direction than expected ..
This process of evolution requires a quality, as a prerequisite: faith.
The history of science is replete with examples of faith in reason and truth.
Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton were supported by an unshakable faith in reason. That Bruno was burnt alive and Spinoza excommunicated.
As Erich Fromm says in his book "The Art of Loving" at every step, from conception of a rational view to the formulation of a theory, faith is necessary; faith in the vision as valid rational purpose to be achieved, in faith ' assumptions and faith in the final theory.
This faith is rooted in experience, confidence in the capacity of thought and criticism.
Finally, remember that we do not possess the truth but, as Thomas Aquinas said, it owns us, does not need to be created.
Already exists and simply copy it in the book written in mathematical terms by the One who made the world and apply it perfectly during our biological life.
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Cav. Aldo Gariglietto said.
Some time ago I canceled a listing on Viagra because I thought that readers who follow me they were not used to debate the topic of sex, or rather, who considered him at odds with the main theme of the blog, which, as I said beginning, has as main purpose, to prove the existence of Who made the world despite the apparent contradiction of natural law: "Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed."
As I said in concepts 20 - 21 - 22 of blogs, the mass is composed of atoms. Each atom has peculiar properties, deriving from its molecular structure obtained by a chemical reaction, which consists of a rupture and formation of chemical bonds between atoms that Democritus regarded as the smallest part of matter that could no longer divide, until the discovery existence of protons which encloses the superspace and Supermondo apparently being the infinite, while, the existing 1 - 2 - 3, were formed after the Big Bang explosion that gave rise to all finite the matter in Albert Einstein in 1905, we will become known with the theory of relativity, based on which he enunciated the famous formula of Energy equivalent to the mass by the square of the speed of light.
So we who have made those same bricks (protons) that are composed of everything over, already existed when the explosion of matter that has cooled as the right point for the chemical reactions that create no change in the nature matter, because not affect its fundamental constituents (the protons), but only the manner in which molecules are aggregated; not affect either the aggregation of such molecules, then the purely physical changes, such as changes of state (melting, Solidification, evaporation, boiling, etc..), wear and erosion, fracture, etc.. are not chemical reactions. The molecular structure of matter is that which arises and deteriorates until its end as a garment that is worn and replaced without causing the death of the wearer.
I want to comment on this second item that re Anonima attention the site of the "Erotic Web Cams" for adults to stay connected even on the physical law "Nothing is created - Nothing is destroyed" with which I try with this blog, to give a species response to two of the most difficult questions that man has ever put: "How did the universe originated and what was there before the universe?" An infinite universe may seem strange, but particularly with the concept 50 I wanted to reflect on this: in mathematics, the concept of infinity is completely normal. There is even a type of mathematics that Cantoni to indicate the numbers and the infinite countable infinity continuously. Who patiently reads me knows I have always said that often follows the nature of mathematical rules, and that between the mathematics of Georg Cantor and the Infinite nature is a bond, which is not so strange that infinity exists in nature. Perhaps we in the 'Existence 3 we will never find out what has preceded the explosion of the Big Bang. Perhaps cosmology show that the search for truth, which holds us as Thomas Aquinas says, can run into insurmountable limits. The epistemology of Plato, developed in various dialogues, must fight against the view that the pursuit of knowledge is impossible. The thesis was supported by the eristic, who based their teaching on the basis of this two assumptions: 1) If you do not know what you need, if it is found, you do not recognize it as the target. 2) If you already know what one is looking, the search does not make sense. A British scientist, J. B. Haldane said that our brain is not being able to reach. The human brain is fantastic and is easy to believe that there are limits to its ability to understand. But if the limit exist? If human beings were too immature to understand the universe? Maybe one day there are people with a brain so acute that I could not understand why we could have difficulty understanding how he originated the 'universe. And think that the theory of relativity is one thing children.
Who is following me in this project know that I support, however, the thesis that our brains are biologically built to think in terms bound only by the concept done with strict mathematical logic which has as limit the uncertainty principle.
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Cav. Aldo said drip tray
I thank the kind reader Anonymous for its flattering these considerations in this regard. Unfortunately at this moment I do appeal to all the many users to be patient for this sudden disruption on the new blog pages.
Unfortunately, we Italians who were being classified as a people of saints, poets and navigators, we finally lost the record as navigators, because we are the only country in Europe to surf the Internet even with the copper network with malicious "wait state" that put a stop to the enormous spread of the Internet to connect and habit, which has almost become a fad among ordinary users.
Usually when we encounter a disservice to the Internet connection, this condition there is reported with an error that takes us back to the cause that produced it. Scientists often speak of cause and effect that is so important in physics that has been introduced to designate the specific time of causality. In daily life, the causality rule every event, and the cause always precedes effect. Quantum physics states, however, that causality is not in force in electronics. What happens between the electrons and atomic nuclei just happens, quite naturally. The electrons jump from one shell to another, without a reason. If this law governs the quantum fenomini relative to large objects, the soccer ball it would suddenly jump on the field and no one gave him a kick. Quantum physics is so strange that it's hard to believe that to be true. But experiments carried out after years boast, show that things are right: the universe is really strange. The electron microscope can magnify an object of several million times, could not be built without quantum physics. The same applies to computers, like the one I'm using for my blog and what you people are using to read it.
Cav. Aldo has Gariglietto ditto
I willingly in my blog also this listing of this user as Anonymous, as I described in detail in my "About Me", I can make available to all who wish to maintain a state of mental and physical health that goes beyond the aesthetic, My personal experience on the behavioral choices that I faced to deal constantly with a good hand, my type 2 diabetes.
The first rule is essential to achieve this is to always play a physical activity to combat the threat number one: the sedentary.
Today, unfortunately we have forgotten that walking is an activity belonging to the DNA of humans bipedal (see concept 7).
Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension was rare because the food was healthier but also physical activity was "mandatory" and prevented the accumulation of abdominal fat.
The second rule is precisely to keep an eye on the weight that should be included in a "Body Mass Index" which is a biometric identifier, expressed as a ratio between the weight in kilograms and height in meters of an individual used as an indicator of healthy weight in terms of "thinness" to "obesity" in the following shades: Severe thinness Max 16:00
Underweight Min 16.00 - Max 18:49
Adjust Min 18.50 - Max 24.99
Overweight Min 25.00 - Max 29.99
Obese Min 30.00 - Max 39.99
Finally, the third rule to be respected is the diet the following:
Biological products, Quino and Amaranth, shoots hay greek, lentils and chickpeas, extra virgin olive oil cold extraction, Shellfish, soy cheese (tofu), soy bread, rice bread, rye bread, azuki beans, beans eye, Seaweed, Garlic, Beets, Broccoli, Artichokes, Kohlrabi, kale, yellow and red onions, Romaine lettuce, red peppers, Leek, Horseradish, Turnips, Escarole, Spinach, Dandelion, Jerusalem artichokes, cabbage, pumpkin, fresh and dried figs, walnuts, plums, Pumpkin Seeds, Sea Salt, Green Tea.
Salamis, sausages and cold cuts in general, Pork, Edam, Emmental, cheese, whole milk and skimmed milk, Parmesan, Provolone, Ricotta, Yogurt, Eggs, Sweet corn-based, ice cream, couscous, bean, Lima Beans, Eggplant , strawberries, tangerines, cranberries, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, black olives and Greek, peanuts, coconut and Brazil nuts, pistachios, wine vinegar, spicy condiments, drinks and cola-based fizzy, coffee, pickles, cocoa and chocolate.
Losing weight, then, by use of the pills without a prescription is due, not just a violation of basic laws that regulate biologically the human species, but also, with all due respect to freedom of thought of others, a wrong way of life .
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Readers who follow me for a long time will be surprised that I canceled the issue of gambling proposed by this anonymous reader.
Las Vegas is, I think the anticipation of a free society.
The coin-operated machines are everywhere and remind us that everything is controlled by money.
Is not the symbol of good taste but is much better than Hiroshima. The philosophy of laissez-faire has never killed anyone and kill in his name. Gambling is regulated by the modern concept of probability attributed to the Chevalier de Mere (an avid player history with this one) had calculated that get at least a 6 on 4 rolls of a dice trick was not equivalent to at least get a double 6 in 24 launches, always a nut not rigged.
However, playing according to that belief, instead of winning and losing Pascal wrote to complain that he failed math in front of empirical evidence. From this sprang a correspondence between Pascal and Fermat that he began to emerge within the frequentist concept of probability. Pascal announced in 1654 the Academy of Paris who was working on the problem of allocating at stake. And in a letter dated July 29 of that year in Fermat proposed the solution of the problem addressed by the method of recurrence, while Fermat used methods based on combinations.
I refer those who read me the concept 39 of the blog where I wrote: Both possibilities are of course questionable: "The reason here can not decide what to wager on anything .(...)?
With reason, you can not support either.
So do not accuse error those who have made a choice, why do not you know nothing. "
This is the crucial point: you choose!
Not choosing is still a choice, "Il faut parier - you bet; lies n'est pas volontaire - this is not left to free will, vous êtes embarquè - now you're on the boat."
And what are the chances?
Depending on the nature of the alternative (eternal life and happiness or nothing) depending on size and use (for use over the infinite) - reflect well on this - the possibilities are dell'irreligiosità those of faith as zero to infinity "if you believe in God is not lost in any case nothing, but you can earn more.
The subject of the bet, it would be misunderstood if one saw a new test of mathematical existence of God, Pascal, stimulated by the game of dice that practice has certainly helped to establish the probability, but his bet would make clear that the question of the existence or nonexistence of God does not require an assessment of pure reason, but a man's decision as a whole, which can not be proved by reason, but it may well be justified in front to it.
A calculated risk, then, is a serious matter: the man uses for this fundamental decision at least as much care, will Pascal, how much for a decision at the table
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Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
Readers who follow me for a long time will be surprised that I canceled the issue of gambling proposed by this anonymous reader.
Las Vegas is, I think the anticipation of a free society.
The coin-operated machines are everywhere and remind us that everything is controlled by money.
Is not the symbol of good taste but is much better than Hiroshima. The philosophy of laissez-faire has never killed anyone and kill in his name. Gambling is regulated by the modern concept of probability attributed to the Chevalier de Mere (an avid player history with this one) had calculated that get at least a 6 on 4 rolls of a dice trick was not equivalent to at least get a double 6 in 24 launches, always a nut not rigged.
However, playing according to that belief, instead of winning and losing Pascal wrote to complain that he failed math in front of empirical evidence. From this sprang a correspondence between Pascal and Fermat that he began to emerge within the frequentist concept of probability. Pascal announced in 1654 the Academy of Paris who was working on the problem of allocating at stake. And in a letter dated July 29 of that year in Fermat proposed the solution of the problem addressed by the method of recurrence, while Fermat used methods based on combinations.
I refer those who read me the concept 39 of the blog where I wrote: Both possibilities are of course questionable: "The reason here can not decide what to wager on anything .(...)?
With reason, you can not support either.
So do not accuse error those who have made a choice, why do not you know nothing. "
This is the crucial point: you choose!
Not choosing is still a choice, "Il faut parier - you bet; lies n'est pas volontaire - this is not left to free will, vous êtes embarquè - now you're on the boat."
And what are the chances?
Depending on the nature of the alternative (eternal life and happiness or nothing) depending on size and use (for use over the infinite) - reflect well on this - the possibilities are dell'irreligiosità those of faith as zero to infinity "if you believe in God is not lost in any case nothing, but you can earn more.
The subject of the bet, it would be misunderstood if one saw a new test of mathematical existence of God, Pascal, stimulated by the game of dice that practice has certainly helped to establish the probability, but his bet would make clear that the question of the existence or nonexistence of God does not require an assessment of pure reason, but a man's decision as a whole, which can not be proved by reason, but it may well be justified in front to it.
A calculated risk, then, is a serious matter: the man uses for this fundamental decision at least as much care, will Pascal, how much for a decision at the table
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want to comment on this second item that re Anonima attention the site of the "Erotic Web Cams" for adults to stay connected even on the physical law "Nothing is created - Nothing is destroyed" with which I try with this blog, to give a species response to two of the most difficult questions that man has ever put: "How did the universe originated and what was there before the universe?" An infinite universe may seem strange, but particularly with the concept 50 I wanted to reflect on this: in mathematics, the concept of infinity is completely normal. There is even a type of mathematics that Cantoni to indicate the numbers and the infinite countable infinity continuously. Who patiently reads me knows I have always said that often follows the nature of mathematical rules, and that between the mathematics of Georg Cantor and the Infinite nature is a bond, which is not so strange that infinity exists in nature. Perhaps we in the 'Existence 3 we will never find out what has preceded the explosion of the Big Bang. Perhaps cosmology show that the search for truth, which holds us as Thomas Aquinas says, can run into insurmountable limits. The epistemology of Plato, developed in various dialogues, must fight against the view that the pursuit of knowledge is impossible. The thesis was supported by the eristic, who based their teaching on the basis of this two assumptions: 1) If you do not know what you need, if it is found, you do not recognize it as the target. 2) If you already know what one is looking, the search does not make sense. A British scientist, J. B. Haldane said that our brain is not being able to reach. The human brain is fantastic and is easy to believe that there are limits to its ability to understand. But if the limit exist? If human beings were too immature to understand the universe? Maybe one day there are people with a brain so acute that I could not understand why we could have difficulty understanding how he originated the 'universe. And think that the theory of relativity is one thing children.
Who is following me in this project know that I support, however, the thesis that our brains are biologically built to think in terms bound only by the concept done with strict mathematical logic which has as limit the uncertainty principle.
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Happy to answer this listing Anonymous submitting a tender in payment of Love lords, as the ad says, "living alone in the world without the company of a friend or a woman accomplice." In my long life experience, including experience as a teenager in college, I was able to get to know people who use this type of offer as a whole are victims of the "unloved" and that, therefore, have difficulties in relationships emotional life, including friendships. Since children were kept in isolation, without being able to train at condividre and confront. That always felt uncomfortable in the company and always looking for protected areas. This express their discomfort with a mixture of sadness, anger and bewilderment. Are fragile, vulnerable, docile, they are an exasperating shyness, lack the courage of their ideas, give up the fight for fear of weakness. Do not ever attack, only defend themselves ... they always play the defense not to be involved with someone or something. Spend much time daydreaming about how they might be attractive if their faces were different. But do not think that their face can affect a girl ... The preference goes to the beautiful. Who's bad is hardly loved it often takes some 'good in the name of their "inner beauty". But if they want to find love only indifference, silence, exclusion ... The Love will be a nice feeling but they, more than enthusiasm, they are afraid, are not relaxed. Love is an adventure too complicated to be addressed. Maybe they do not deserve it either, I'm not worthy. In reality might not like. A feeling of defeat and brings them to renounce all'ineezia. Surrender to boredom. Turn on the television, though not the look. Often, however, the following more than you think is the extension of hours before the video is a clear sign of loneliness. Often they are also responsible for the dull loneliness that accumulate because they are incapable of positive choices. Many are never entered into a museum, never attended a theatrical or scientific debate, did not they ever heard good music. By not listening to disco music, but ping, computer, convulsive. We go to meet and know someone ... not a disco group, but the union of so many lonely people.
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It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
TOGETHER WE ALL YOU we welcome you to our growing community of friends who love to know, reflect and discuss IN RESPECT OF THE FREEDOM OF THOUGHT OF OTHERS.
We welcome these new users IN THIS OUR GREAT FRIENDS COMUNITA'DI whose purpose is' to know, reflect and discuss ON THIS PROJECT IN MY RESPECT FOR FREEDOM OF PROPRIETARY PENSIRTO.
I would like to take this opportunity to bring to the attention of readers and readers for more than a 'year I follow my path in this popular, a painful event and at the same time rewarding for the argument that section: that we belong to' there 3 are the only living matter to exist consciously composed with the same unique and unbreakable blocks that make up the universe in mathematical terms we can distinguish within the boundaries of the uncertainty principle. And will we remain unaltered throughout finished as we were before we were born and those left after the brief concluded, the blink of an eye, biological parentheses.
Well, he concluded that biological parentheses, a person very dear to me, who has 14 years' Ciatto "on this topic that did not share but that made her think a lot. An intelligent woman, sick with lung cancer, who wanted to write his own hand a letter that was read as she wished, at his funeral, you expose below in full.
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,Anonymous said
I just want to say what is a great blog you have here!
I've been around a lot 'of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation for your work!
Thumbs up, and go ahead!
Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
I warmly thank the kind reader Anonymous for his appreciation that encourage me to continue research in this difficult path of wisdom to the great questions that always arise and the man that I think is difficult, if not impossible, to arrive at their root with rational arguments only. This blog does not intend to deal with the transcendental sphere of our existence. E 'already difficult to deal with the immanent sphere. Imagine the other.
Each of us has experienced in himself the evolution of scientific thought, ancient and modern. The collective memory has made a decisive contribution to avoid the repetition of errors in the conception of the world as it appears to our eyes and our senses. But until the arrival of the Galileo Galilei, no one could find the right path that Jesus of Nazareth had sensed in things visible and invisible, but in those days, only to have it his way indicated, was sentenced to death. Yes, I said invisible. Invisible is an essential part of building science. Until 1947, nobody could imagine that the science of Galileo was coming to put under the control of experimental reproduction invisible phenomena. A reality which, by definition rigorous and scientifically valid, can not be observed directly. It, nevertheless, gives rise to measurable and reproducible effects.
Jesus of Nazareth, as I waxed to say and show all the way to my project, was the first member to be 'EXISTENCE A third disclosed the' ABSOLUTE INFINITE which he characterized as "The Father who sent me"
So what was the big blow was to be with his physical existence quantized (finite) said to be descended directly from the Infinite Absolute.
If so, we must conclude that we are just the first steps in understanding the physical reality.
Identify key physical quantities that may have their roots in the levels of infinity (aleph-zero aleph-one aleph-two, c). Is a problem that goes beyond
completely from contemporary theoretical physics.
Indeed, as the prof. Antonino Zichichi, in his book "The Infinite" is likely that the Infinite will never in the description of physical phenomena. Today is so.
Rational numbers and subtraction of quantities tend Infinite are the only realities that underpin the knowledge of the physical world. Other than Infinity.
There is no trace of that potential, or to all other levels, from Cantor to date, they have passionate lovers Infinity Math.
Which makes it the most fascinating THE IDEA THAT WE ALL THE EXISTENCE 3 We can conceive the Infinite.
And it can also work in a strictly logical, and I hope the whole heart, with all of you who have had the patience to follow me in my blog.
Here, my manager decided to bring to the attention of people patiently continue to follow this blog, the charm of our existence that lies in the symbiosis between immanence and transcendence.
Thank you very warmly to everyone!
Hello Boys & Girls
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Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
Outside of Link really harmful, and fortunately rare, surfing the Internet is made up of many modest portals that can more or less annoying.
U our tastes may lead us to prefer a particular portal to another, but does not necessarily have to be defined as "ugly" a portal and be disappointed. May be sufficient to define this portal as such, or as not recommended for people not adults (though not necessarily that we can also advise them too).
The math says that +1 - 1 - 1 = - 1. Then express a negative thought twice and once a positive not I expect that he performed miracles, because negative values still prevail. If "prudence", or habit, however, express a positive thought followed by a question neutralize risk. It is important to take this into account, especially when you just start with positive thinking, because otherwise you risk the possibility of discarding the first "failure" (which are in fact the logical consequences of poorly applied rules).
A widespread popular opinion has it that the pessimist see as "half empty" instead of a glass that the optimist calls "half full".
The optimist is a person who sees the future in positive terms, as well as' own capacity and that of others.
Someone considered a dreamer. It must be said that unfortunately the world is full of deluded people ... but not optimistic. The two are not necessarily linked, indeed.
But this, if the gentle reader Anonymous believes that it is not satisfied with my hasty reply, I could talk at length later.
Thank you, therefore, interesting for its listing.
Anonymous said
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The best sports betting are really just numbers, they can be a constantly evolving set of numbers, just numbers anyway. There are many factors involved in calculating the not least of which is the number of bettors to wager on a team. If a bookie sees this happening he will give the team that is dentified as the loser more points and take points from the team deemed the winning team.] [url = best sports betting [/ url]
For a long time, the U.S. House of Representatives tried to pass a law that will make it much harder for people to get away with breaking the laws of online gambling. Not to mention heavier penalties for those caught.
he important thing to note here is that none of the above two approaches is "systematized", although those in the first group believe that they limit the losses, increasing their chances of winning. But what the majority in that first group usually does not take into account is how the bookies have set quotas to ensure that they, bookmakers, will come out on top in the long run. This means that if you only bet on "preferences" you will eventually lose all your money, although you will enjoy a much longer period of betting before last goodbye kiss your buck!
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto said.
Happy to answer the question stated above Anonymous user.
Sports betting, she says, "are just numbers, they can be a constantly evolving set of numbers, but still only numbers"
And 'our fear of making mistakes, or worse to be misjudged by others to make us abandon the idea of making money with an idea taken without examining the various solutions that could ensure the win.
Beginning any idea of success is only hypothetical and this needs to be polished, expanded, adjusted and perhaps even developed in the opposite direction than expected.
A number of important discoveries was made following an error.
"Everything comes back" ancient wisdom teaches us to doubt that it does not always see the immediate implications. In the case of thought, however, the results are also in short time. It 's like a boomerang and tossed away like an echo comes back what you gave. More or less conscious captured the thoughts of others and others perceive our own. While our thoughts we hide them under the guise of courtesy we know that there are almost never reciprocated in the spontaneous affection and esteem.
The positive thoughts open the doors to our well-being, self-esteem, relationship with others, to succeed in life, negative health and undermine serenity and wasted energy and time, creating anxiety and depression.
The same applies to business, labor, economic prospects and why not even for the situations outlined above User anonymous.
If we think we can not make it mathematically certain that the result will not make it, if we limit ourselves to, because others should believe in us?
Change makes it even more creative. While there we experienced difficult to find new solutions. Instead of changing course we can find new solutions at every step.
Other times may be sufficient to change a detail: in a recipe, for example, may be an insignificant detail to change for the better the final result, and the same goes for most of the fields.
Many economists have become great because they have been able to apply the rule of paradox. The state is in crisis? Instead of saving: major public works. A real paradox in a situation of real difficulty. These works, however, procured jobs and gave a strong boost to the economy.
Economic hardship in the family? Be more generous to others, even in an economic sense. In this case it is the radically changed attitude towards money, which may change events.
Of course my simple reflection of the insertion Anonymous User is only a first step that must be put into practice to succeed. There is much more to say on the devices and tricks to succeed in practice.
Will not fail the opportunity to return to this subject during the further development of this specific category of the blog.
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Hp. Aldo said Gariglietto
I take this insertion of this new user Anonymous that offers surfing the Internet can save time and money by offering, using the Internet bancking, the possibility of transfers between accounts, pay bills online, and in general manage our accounts and much more, all on our own schedule, and when the bank is open with regular hours, and when it is closed on holidays or holiday periods where we are, of course with a simple and convenient Our laptop.
Of course, as you know the sailors, to sail without getting lost is necessary to know how to use the compass and the constellations. To browse the Internet, however, is not necessary to know the location of the port of destination. Often, once you reach a certain site, referring to an address in the network, you can begin to follow hyperlinks that can take us anywhere. Shipwreck in this sea can be sweet, but should have an idea of what happens behind the scenes.
The communication protocol, as now all of us insiders know, adopting a numbering system to refer to a network address that I am not here to explain.
Rather, it is important to know the latest means of surfing the Internet.
With the term broadband is referred generally to transmitting and receiving data sent and received simultaneously in greater quantities, the same cable. In the context of signal theory this term is used to describe the methods that allow two or more signals share the same transmission line.
In Italian and EU legislation there is no official definition of broadband. However the European Commission uses the term broadband in another sense: as a synonym, that connection faster than that provided by a normal modem. In this sense, the most typical broadband connection would be ensured by optical fiber.
The current Italian copper network is now forty years old and therefore require costly maintenance and repair costs due to lightning if it is underground and peel strength due to the weather if it is placed on the surface, while the optical fiber also works in these conditions .
There is, unfortunately, a confusion in the use of broadband as a moden to 56 Kb / s is defined narrow band.
However, the deployment of broadband is almost essential in any work place that requires interaction with the outside world via the Internet, while the presence of a slow connection are everyday problems such as sending a file or opening a web page not only contains text. The broadband companies without suffering a loss of productivity due to time required for activities that commit much less competitors served with a fast connection.
Broadband is declared universal service for the first time ever in Finland in 2005, and later in Spain and Switzerland.
Cav.Aldo Gariglietto responded
Welcome to my blog with videos of genuine admiration Ghuggi de Bharati I could see by clicking on strongly recommend that users friends that I read.
What struck me most of these videos are not easy problems of 'Existence 3 of which we belong and that haunt us from the need to security such as fatigue, pain, fear, are, with a touch of magic transformed into something that gives us comfort and hope for the future.
And not only. Towards eroticism immediately evident the huge gap between the mentality of the direction of these videos and that of nineteenth-century culture that did not allow a positive assessment of sexuality outside the procreative function.
Dominated, then the nightmare, the monotony, the obsession with sin, particularly of sin "unspeakable", the "vice impure," "vile," "beast" of sexual sin that is because almost all the sins were compared to sin against purity. Then raging phobia "bad thoughts", the "bad company". All you had to escape the obsession of sin, then that was always sexual.
Pastoral theology and catechesis and moralistic literature in those days were very hard, although, unfortunately, there are still some resurgence today, not only in respect of the exercise of sexuality but also of affect in general. The feelings were legitimate only those between spouses, between parents and children and vice versa. Even among cousins or brothers and sisters we recommend a physical and emotional distance. Equally ERA to be done between engagement. It allowed brief meetings, no kisses, possibly under the eyes of parents. And then it was advisable to "marry in haste" to avoid complications sinful.
At this point, video de Bharati Ghuggi of pleasure should be completely different in this respect, but no! Are surprisingly mediators between sexual pathological psychodynamic nineteenth and those performed with absolute freedom of behavior between the sexes.
Congratulations indeed!
Cav. Aldo Gariglietto
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Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
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As I mentioned at the beginning of blog classic, specifically with comcetto 4, exceeded twenty our brain closes, both the logic and the science. If it was devoid of stimuli in Logic and Science unlikely return to interest in these two great intellectual achievements.
Why, exactly how does the language that is taught at once, with the Science should do the same. Start already in elementary school teaching of these extraordinary achievements of 'human intellect. Sienza logic and should be part of the cultural heritage of all.
The school educates instead almost exclusively on language. And all that is intellectual stimulation - print, radio, TV, books - the predominant language.
If language, logic and science were taught with equal commitment, all men, within a single generation, would be able to distinguish between these three achievements of human intellect. They would know what it means to tell a story of pirates like the one the user Anonymous With this listing, draw a mathematical theory and discover a scientific truth.
Imagine how different our lives would be if the young Albert Einstein had not
vacated the imagination and had not asked: "And if I were a ray of light ... as does the world? "
Cav. Aldo
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Cav. Aldo said Gariglietto
I take immediately at the chance which gives me the Anonymous of this listing on "King Of Pirate with a fully 3D designed multiplayer online game based on 5,000 years of history of pirates." The wealth of images and stimuli for the imagination springing from the world of adventure stories of pirates reveal, particularly to children in a simple way that their hidden fears can be overcome and that a full life, adventurous and exciting is within their reach. The world of fantasy and magic of our childhood, as was that of 'Homo sapiens, continuously provides incentives that help to understand natural phenomena and with them, ourselves.
As I mentioned at the beginning of blog classic, specifically with comcetto 4, exceeded twenty our brain closes, both the logic and the science. If it was devoid of stimuli in Logic and Science unlikely return to interest in these two great intellectual achievements.
Why, exactly how does the language that is taught at once, with the Science should do the same. Start already in elementary school teaching of these extraordinary achievements of 'human intellect. Sienza logic and should be part of the cultural heritage of all.
The school educates instead almost exclusively on language. And all that is intellectual stimulation - print, radio, TV, books - the predominant language.
If language, logic and science were taught with equal commitment, all men, within a single generation, would be able to distinguish between these three achievements of human intellect. They would know what it means to tell a story of pirates like the one the user Anonymous With this listing, draw a mathematical theory and discover a scientific truth.
Imagine how different our lives would be if the young Albert Einstein had not
vacated the imagination and had not asked: "And if I were a ray of light ... as does the world? "
Cav. Aldo
Come utilizzare nel migliore dei modi il BANCOMAT e LA CARTA DI CREDITO nell’ Economia domestica.
Siamo in piena crisi economica e i bilanci famigliari ne soffrono moltissimo in quanto occorre fare conto sulla disponibilità di tutto il reddito (Pensione o Stipendio) per fare fronte alle spese mensili di prima necessità. Calano quindi i consumi e le aziende produttrici devono rivedere i piani economici per evitare la bancorotta. Occorrerebbe spendere di più di quello che si guadagna per imboccare la strada della crescita economica tramite l’aumento dei consumi. Ma come fare ? Eppure la soluzione c’è e puo essere usufruita subito tramite la rigorosa procedura matematica denominata “CORRISPONDENZA BIUNIVOCA” .
In matematica, una corrispondenza biunivoca tra due insiemi, in questo caso il Bancomat e la Carta di credito, è una relazione binaria tale che ad ogni cifra di credito del Bancomat corrisponda uno ed un solo credito della Carta di credito, e viceversa ad ogni credito della Carta di credito corrisponda uno ed uno solo del Bancomat.
Esempio: Se posso fare conto di certo credito redditizio al mese posso avere a disposizione anche un altro credito massimo di 1300 € della Carta di credito che non va considerato come la somma spendibile tutta sul conto corrente del Bancomat, che inevitabilmente andrebbe in rosso, ma come unione di due conti correnti che per rispettare la funzione della corrispondenza biunivoca dobbiamo considerarli come se fossero i conti correnti di due banche diverse.
Di solito, purtroppo, si considera la Carta di credito diversa dal Bancomat solo perché il saldo viene fatto nel mese successivo, o quello che è peggio come un servizio inutile in quanto identico in tutto e per tutto al Bancomat.
How to use the best possible ATM and Credit Card in Home Economics.
We are in full economic crisis and balance family suffer a lot because it is necessary to count on the availability of all income (salary or pension) to meet monthly expenses for necessities. Fall therefore consumption and production companies need to review business plans to avoid bancorotta. Should spend more than it earns to take the road of economic growth through increased consumption. But how? Yet the solution exists and may be taken immediately by the rigorous mathematical procedure called "Bijection.
In mathematics, a correspondence between two sets, in this case the ATM and credit card is a binary relation such that each digit corresponds to an ATM credit and one credit card credit, and vice versa for each credit Credit Card matches one and only one credit of debit cards.
Example: If I can make light of certain cost per month can claim to have another credit of up to € 1300 Credit Card can not be regarded as the sum of all expendable to the account of ATM, which inevitably would go red before expected, but as a union of two accounts that fulfill the function of the correspondence we consider them as if they had bank accounts in two different banks.
Usually, unfortunately, given the different credit card from ATM because the balance is done in the following month, or what is worse than useless as a service as it is identical in all respects to the ATM.
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Cav.Aldo Gariglietto dijo
Estoy encantado de que esta vez los dos surfistas anónimo que ambos tienen el mismo tema: los juegos de casino en línea que le contesté antes. Esta vez volglio Aproveche esta oportunidad para destacar un aspecto importante de mi blog, a saber, la importancia de las matemáticas para comprender los fenómenos naturales que ocurren en nuestros ojos y que, como siempre he subrayado fuertemente, debe la reproducibilidad, velar por su cumplimiento aún matemáticamente correcto. Incluso para la matemática de los juegos de azar, la probabilidad, también un papel muy importante.
La matemática como he dicho en la redacción de este proyecto debe ser considerado como «el lenguaje de la ciencia." En realidad, es de hecho una lengua. Los símbolos matemáticos, los números, las ecuaciones son las letras, palabras, frases del lenguaje matemático. Iimparare para ese idioma, al igual que cualquier otro idioma, es mejor comenzar con lo básico es aprender el alfabeto de símbolos y cómo los símbolos se usan para representar conceptos y relaciones numéricas. Y para entender el contenido y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas "práctica" sólo tiene que estar familiarizado con las operaciones básicas de la aritmética: adición, sotrazione, multiplicación y división, quiero una vista previa de este tiempo, el nuevo I ' tenía ya en mente antes de que se involucró en este proyecto para abrir una nueva categoría llamada "matemática práctica" en el que quiero explicar las matemáticas de una manera nueva, diferente a las tradicionales. El mérito de este nuevo método de enseñanza no es mía, sino suggeritomi Norman Crowder en Prof.Matteo 60 por Adriano, que murió recientemente. El tutor realmente grande no sigue los patrones habituales de libros de texto álgebra. Dada la mayor libertad que ofrece para introducir el tema, nos alejamos de los métodos tradicionales de siempre, parece apropiado para introducir conceptos matemáticos en un uso más práctico. El objetivo es escribir una nueva categoría de mi blog que se puede utilizar con eficacia los estudiantes dsllo, los padres Vule seguir al niño con el estudio, el comerciante, que tiene un hobby de la ciencia, y también por el técnico .
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Cav.Aldo Gariglietto said
I glad this time the two anonymous surfers who have both the same subject: casino online games which I answered earlier about. This time volglio Take advantage of this opportunity to highlight an important aspect of my blog, namely the importance of mathematics to understand natural phenomena occurring in our eyes and for which, as I have always strongly emphasized, it must be through the reproducibility, ascertain its compliance always mathematically correct. Even for the mathematics of gambling, with the probability, also makes a very important role.
The math as I said during the writing of this project should be seen as "the language of science." In reality, it is indeed a language. The mathematical symbols, numbers, equations are the letters, words, sentences of mathematical language. Iimparare for this language, like any other language, it's best to start at the beginning, that is learning his alphabet made of symbols and how these symbols are used to represent concepts and numerical relationships. And as to understand the content and learning of mathematics "practice" you just need to know well the basic operations of arithmetic: addition, the sotrazione, multiplication and division, I want to preview this time the news that I had already in mind before I began to engage in this project to open a new category called "practical mathematics" in which I would like to explain math in a new way, different from traditional ones. The merit of this new method of teaching is not mine, but Norman Crowder suggeritomi in the 60 Prof.Matteo by Andriano, who died recently. This really great tutor does not follow the usual patterns of algebra textbooks. Given the greater freedom it offers to present the subject, we move away from traditional methods whenever it seems appropriate to introduce mathematical concepts to more practical use. The goal is to write a new category of my blog that can be used effectively dsllo student, from parent vule follow the child to study, trader, who has a hobby of science, and also by the technician.
I would be very grateful to readers for any suggestions to improve future editions of this new category of my blog.
Strongly on your behalf sincere wish of "Good Luck"
Cav.Aldo Gariglietto ha risposto.
Accolgo volentieri anche questa volta i due navigatori Anonimi che presentano entrambi lo stesso argomento: i giochi online al casinolasvegass a cui ho già risposto in precedenza in merito. Questa volta voglio approfittare di questa occasione per sottolineare un aspetto importante di questo mio blog; e cioè l'importanza della matematica per comprendere i fenomeni naturali che si manifestano ai nostri occhi e per i quali, come ho sottolineato sempre vivamente, occorre, tramite la riproducibilità, costatarne sempre matematicamente la relativa rispondenza veritiera. E anche per i giochi d'azzardo la matematica, con il calcolo delle probabilità, compie anch'essa un ruolo molto importante.
La matematica, come ho già detto durante la stesura di questo mio progetto, va considerata come "il linguaggio della Scienza". In realtà essa infatti è un linguaggio. I simboli matematici, i numeri, le equazioni sono le lettere, le parole, le frasi del linguaggio matematico. Per imparare questo linguaggio, come per qualsiasi altro linguaggio, la cosa migliore è cominciare dall'inizio, cioè imparare il suo alfabeto fatto di simboli e vedere come questi simboli vengono usati per rappresentare i concetti e le relazioni numeriche. E dato che per capire ed imparare il contenuto della matematica "pratica", basta soltanto conoscere bene le operazioni fondamentali dell'aritmetica: l'addizione, la sottrazione, la moltiplicazione e la divisione, voglio dare in anteprima in questa occasione la notizia che avevo già in mente prima che iniziassi a impegnarmi in questo progetto, e cioè di aprire una nuova categoria intitolata "MATEMATICA PRATICA" in cui intendo esporre la matematica in un modo nuovo, diverso da quelli tradizionali. Il merito di questo nuovo metodo di insegnamento non è mio, ma di Norman Crowder, suggeritomi, già all’inizio degli anni 60, dal Prof. Matteo Andriano, recentemente scomparso. Questo veramente grande Tutor non seguiva gli schemi usuali dei testi scolastici di algebra. Data la maggiore libertà che esso offre di presentare la materia, ci si allontana dai metodi tradizionali ogni volta che ciò appare opportuno per introdurre concetti matematici di maggiore utilità pratica. L'obiettivo è quello di scrivere una nuova categoria di questo blog che possa essere usato utilmente dallo studente, dal genitore che vuole seguire il figlio che studia, dall'operatore economico, da chi ha un hobby scientifico, e anche dal tecnico.
Sarei molto grato ai lettori per ogni suggerimento inteso a migliorare le edizioni future di questa mia nuova categoria del blog.
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Cav.Aldo Gariglietto dit.
Je suis ravi que cette fois les deux surfeurs anonymes qui ont tous deux le même sujet: les jeux en ligne casinolasvegass que j'ai déjà répondu plus tôt. Cette fois, je tiens à saisir cette occasion pour souligner un aspect important de mon blog, à savoir l'importance des mathématiques pour comprendre les phénomènes naturels qui se produisent dans nos yeux et pour lequel, comme je l'ai toujours souligné avec force, il doit se faire par la reproductibilité, de vérifier sa conformité toujours mathématiquement exacts. Même pour les mathématiques des jeux de hasard, la probabilité, permet également un rôle très important.
Mathématiques, comme je l'ai dit lors de la rédaction de ce projet, doit être considérée comme «la langue de la science." En réalité, il est en effet une langue. Les symboles mathématiques, les nombres, les équations sont les lettres, mots, des phrases du langage mathématique. Pour apprendre cette langue, comme toute autre langue, il est préférable de commencer par le commencement, c'est apprendre son alphabet fait de symboles et de la manière dont ces symboles sont utilisés pour représenter des concepts et des rapports numériques. Et pour comprendre le contenu et l'apprentissage des mathématiques «pratiques», il vous suffit de bien connaître le fonctionnement de base de l'arithmétique: addition, soustraction, multiplication et division, je veux prévisualiser ce temps, les nouvelles que je n'avais déjà à l'esprit avant que je commence à s'engager dans ce projet, à savoir ouvrir une nouvelle catégorie appelée "mathématiques pratiques" J'ai l'intention d'expliquer les mathématiques d'une manière nouvelle, différente de celles traditionnelles. Le mérite de cette nouvelle méthode d'enseignement n'est pas la mienne, mais Norman Crowder, suggeritomi déjà dans le début des années 60, par le professeur Matthew Andriano, récemment décédé. Ce tuteur vraiment grand ne suivent pas les schémas habituels de manuels d'algèbre. Compte tenu de la plus grande liberté qu'il offre à présenter le sujet, nous nous éloignons des méthodes traditionnelles chaque fois qu'il semble opportun d'introduire des concepts mathématiques plus grande utilité pratique. Le but est d'écrire une nouvelle catégorie de ce blog qui peut être utilisé efficacement par l'élève, le parent qui veut suivre son fils à l'étude, le négociant, qui a un passe-temps de la science, et aussi par le technicien.
Je serais très reconnaissant aux lecteurs pour des suggestions pour améliorer les futures éditions de cette nouvelle catégorie de mon blog.
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Unfortunately, the future will tend relationality, due to a lack of love of art to replace the body with objects. The same passion of love will leave more room for surrogate bodies will be replaced by pseudo impersonal contacts via the Internet. And so in the future there will be more fantasy and less erotic intercourse. Once the women gave sex to get love while men gave love to have sex now give the first and second receive love without sex tend not to give even more sex. For many couples feel intimate share equals one genital area, not emotional, so you can be alone with a partner, and suffers most people who spend whole life hungry for love.
Cav. Aldo
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